Sollinx SPACE
An online casino, an orbital casino

Space! The challenge! The glamor! The excitement! We want to go there!
The current, main thrust of Sollinx’s efforts is to get members into space, to an orbiting resort/casino. We are developing the sytems and processes to do so. Initioal funding is private; intermediate funding si from process of a space-themed, on-line casino. Learn more below.

We believe mankind is at the dawn of commercial space travel. We see parallels between the advent of commercial air travel in the today and the 1930's. The merger of new technologies then made civil air travel safe and cheap. Our species has mastery today of key technologies: control systems, communications, orbital mechanics, space physiology, and the construction of structures that can withstand the extreme conditions of space. However, the disadvantages of one critical technology impedes commercialization: propulsion.

A bomb...
Rocket propulsion technology, the only one currently used, is 1,000's of years old. Rockets suffer from three big negatives.
Danger: Rockets are essentially high-explosive bombs with exhaust nozzles. They are inherently dangerous.
Cost: a rocket must lift every gram of fuel and oxidizer it needs to lift its payload. Thus, rockets are inefficient...and expensive. SpaceX has stated its current cost performance is €4,400 per kilogram and an objective of €1,000. That goal equates to more than €55,000 to lift an average-sized human into orbit.
Obsolesence: Rocket technology is maxed-out. All possible chemical reactions are known and have been exhaustively developed. The fixed amount of energy in these chemicals limits the speeds of rocket engine exhaust particles, and hence, momentum,

An alternative
Ground-sourced energy approaches offer much greater efficiency. One, laser propulsion "...could bring] a revolution in space technology. A single laser facility on the ground ]could] launch a single-stage vehicles into ...earth orbit... It is far more economical in the use of mass and energy than chemical propulsion." Semiconductor and laser technologies have advanced literally orders of magnitude in performance and cost

The Sollinx community is exploring laser and one other, a mechanical, technology. Both promise to be more reliable, safer, and cheaper than rockets. Their application will reduce the economic factor -- cost -- that severely restrains development of orbit lift capability. Apply an accepted rule-of-thumb, the cost of passage to the Sollinx orbital casino will be approx €1,000 for an average-sized person.

Individuals of the Sollinx community have built devices embodying two alternative technologies. Both, in implementation, would use ground-sourced energy,, eliminating the biggest disadvantage of rockets. Our other approach is mechanical, specificallly, the conversion or rotational momentu to linerar thrust. Fundamentaal to this approach is hight rotational speed. We are refingin the design of a working prototype that has proven our concept.

We have found shared interests and are in active discussion with design, gaming, and sales and promotion resources in Europe and the USA. Current activities include: assessment of expertise, determination of roles and responsibilities, and creation of budgets and plans. We have secured preliminary commitment of private funding for next steps.
SOLLINX: privacy and value

The Solana system allows Sollinx communities to be totally private. Membership and participation requires no name, no e-mail address, no phone number, no personal information. Period.

Sollinx creates token value by limiting access to community content to token holders. Sollinx will grow by the exchange of goods, services, and web content for SOLLINX tokens.
SOLLINX Trading Data
(current and historical,
from the Raydium exchange)
Note, please: the SOLLINX token currently trades at a low price, reflecting low demand. Trading is currently only by exchange with tokens fixed in value to the US dollar, the USDC. The liquidity pool is “very low” because
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